修士論文、博士論文 |
修士論文 | 博士論文 | |
安田真由美 (YASUDA Mayumi) |
Artin groups acting on 1-hyperbolic graphs (1-双曲的グラフに作用するアルティン群), 2016 |
木村満晃(KIMURA Mitsuaki) | 無限ブレイド群の交換子部分群上の共役不変ノルム, 2015 | |
折田龍馬(ORITA Ryuma) | 境界付き多様体に対するMorse-Bott不等式, 2014 | On the existence of infinitely many non-contractible periodic
trajectories in Hamiltonian dynamics on closed symplectic manifolds
(閉シンプレクティック多様体上のハミルトン力学系における無限個の非可縮周期軌道の存在について), 2017 |
田中淳波(TANAKA Junha) | 擬アノソフ類の曲線複体上の安定移動距離と写像トーラスの双曲体積, 2014 | Wrapping projections and decompositions of Kleinian groups (Wrapping射影とクライン群の分解について), 2018 |
川崎盛通 (KAWASAKI Morimichi) | Some invariants of the group of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms and their applications, 2013 | Heavy subsets and non-contractible trajectories(重い部分集合と非可縮軌道), 2016 |
古川遼 (FURUKAWA Ryo) | Seifert多様体上のfibered Seifert multilinkと両立する接触構造, 2012 | On codimension two contact embeddings in the standard spheres (標準接触球面への余次元2 の接触埋め込みについて),2016 |
根元悠輔 (NEMOTO Yusuke) |
Whitney-Graustein theoremの証明について, 2012 | |
吉田建一(YOSHIDA Ken'ichi) | カスプを4つもつ最小体積の向き付可能な3次元双曲多様体, 2012 | Stable presentation length of 3-manifold groups, 2015
粕谷直彦(KASUYA Naohiko) | Sol多様体と5次元球面上の接触構造, 2011 | On contact submanifolds of the odd dimensional
Euclidean spaces, 2014
斉藤翔平 | 双曲空間におけるストレート単体のwell-definedness, 2011 | |
吉安 徹(YOSHIYASU Toru) | Parametric h-principle for symplectic submersion relation, 2011 | On Lagrangian caps and their applications, 2015
石田智彦(ISHIDA Tomohiko) | Quasi-morphisms on the group of area-preserving diffeomorphisms of the 2-disk, 2013 | |
加藤直樹(KATO Naoki) | Transversely affine foliations on torus bundles over the circle, 2009 | Lie foliations transversely modeled on nilpotent Lie algebras, 2013 |
石川雄一 |
Fold map
の同境不変量について, 2008 |
岡本雄一 |
平面上の閉曲線の不変量, 2008 |
春田 力 |
Unknotting of
simply knotted
tori, 2008 |
野澤 啓 |
A Kuranishi family
deformation of pseudogroup structures on manifolds along immersed
manifolds, 2006 |
Five dimensional
K-contact manifolds of rank 2, 2009 |
中村伊南沙 | Surface links which are coverings of a trivial torus knot, 2009 | |
山下 温 |
The space of
bounded continuous
mappings into ANR's in the uniform sense, 2006 |
Compactification of
the homeomorphism group of a graph, 2009 |
松田能文 | 円周に固定点を持たずに作用する群について(Groups acting on the circle without fixed points), 2005 | Groups of real
diffeomorphisms of the circle with a finite image under the rotation
number function, 2008 |
横山知郎 |
2006 |
釜谷茂行 |
BL-Anosov flow の Birkhoff section について, 2003 | |
佐伯真一 | 結び目群の指標のなす代数曲線について, 2001 | Incompressible surfaces in 4-punctured sphere bundles,
2006 |
江康晴 |
Taut foliations of
torus knot
complements, 2004 |
児 玉大樹 | 射影的アノソフ流の高次元および複素多様体への一般化, 1999 | Complex contact manifolds with Legendrian vector fields, 2002 |
大川内豊 | On the $H^*(B({\Bbb Z}/(p))^n;{\Bbb Z}/(p))$ as a module over the Steenrod algebra and its certain submodule, 1998 | |
木下 悌 | ブーケグラフの埋め込みとその応用, 1998 | |
中村天江 | 高次元Alexander Torus Theoremの拡張について, 1998 | |
太田圭亮 | On the volumes of hyperbolic 3-manifolds with cusps, 1998 | |
Oikonomides, Catherine | The Godbillon-Vey cyclic cocycle for PL-foliations, 2001 | |
野 田健夫 | 3次元多様体上のprojectively Anosov flow, 1998 | Regular projectively Anosov flows with compact leaves, 2001 |
呂志 | 閉多様体の変換群の研究, 2000. | |
高橋秀昌 | 円周上の曲面束となる双曲多様体の構成, 1996 | |
目時伸哉 | Examples of independent variation of secondary characteristic classes, 1996 | Non-trivial cohomology classes of Lie algeras of volume preserving formal vector fields, 2000 |
足 助太郎 | (1) On transversely flat conformal foliations with good measures, (2) The classification of transversely similar flows with good measures, 1995 | On the real secondary classes of transversely holomorphic foliations, 1998 |
神田雄高 | (1) The classification of tight contact structures on the 3-torus, (2) On the Thurston-Bennequin invariants of Legendre knots and the non-exactness of Bennequin's inequality, 1995 | The monopole equations and J-holomorphic curves on weakly convex almost Kahler 4-manifolds, 2000 |
李思敏 | Subshift, topological entropy and topologically mixing property, 1994 | Interval exchange transformation and related dynamics, 1997 |
古瀬裕也 | Fatou の example $f(x) = e^{-z} + z+ 1$の Julia setについて, 1994 | |
小笠英志 | (1)二次元絡み目の各成分に張ったスライスディスク同士の 交わり方について, (2)球面の中の球面同士の交わり方について, 1994 | On the intersection of spheres in a sphere, 1996 |
石田敦 | 2個のデーン・ツイストで生成される写像類群 の部分群, 1994 | |
久保克維 | ある性質を持つ擬アノソフ同相写像の具体的 構成についての一考察, 1992 | |
宝島格 | トレイントラックの列による擬アノソフ同相写像の構成について, 1991 | On intersections of representing curves of elements of the fundamental group of a surface, 1994 |
江 頭信 二 | 葉層構造の拡大度をあらわす不変量について, 1990 | Expansion growth of smooth codimension one foliations, 1993 |
関根正幸 | 非コンパクト集合上のマルコフ分解について, 1990 | Transfer operators and Ruelle's zeta functions for countable state Markov shifts, 1994 |
橋 口徳一 | 向きづけ可能な閉曲面のgeodesic flowに対する Birkhoff's section上のAnosov diffeomorphism について, 1988 | PL-representation of Anosov foliations, 1991 |
今 井(大 原)淳 | Knot の energy, 1988 | 結び目のエネルギー汎関数の族, 1991 |
塚田晴史 | Asymptotic cycles and homology directions for Axiom A flows, 1988 | |
中 山裕道 | Transverse Affine foliations of some surface bundles over $S^1$ of pseudo-Anosov type, 1990 |