Abstract preparation
We will distribute an extended Abstract Booklet, and for that, we request that all the speakers prepare a rather detailed abstract of 4-8 pages in length abstract of 2-8 pages in length.
Those who will give a presentation should send their abstracts to us. Please note that the manuscript MUST arrive no later than
Friday, June 28, 2013.
(The deadline was once noticed as Friday, July 28, 2013 in error).
Note that the deadline of applications for talk/poster is
We make use of your abstract for GF2013, for example, we distribute an abstract booklet. In addition, we exhibit your abstract on our web page if you agree with it (on the registration form). The copyright of the abstract belongs to its author(s) (we plan to publish a proceedings volume. The policy on copyrights of articles in the proceedings volume is not yet decided).
For details, read the following:
How to prepare and send the manuscript
The style of the manuscript
We provide an abstract style file in LaTeX. The style file and a sample tex file are available from the link below.
You will find a file `gf2013abs.zip' by the above link. The file contains two files `gf2013abstract.cls' and `gf2013abstract_sample.tex'. By extracting gf2013abs.zip, you will find them, or a folder which contains them.
If you find difficulties in extraction, you can download them from by following the links below:
If you find further difficulties in obtaining them, please contact to
with subject: inquiry on the class file
Also, if you have any questions on the usage of these files, please contact in the same way as above.
We strongly recommend the authors to submit the manuscripts electronically as a PDF or DVI file at the Registration page.
The manuscript which you will send us should be the final version because there is no time for correction of a galley proof.
How to send the manuscript
There are three ways to submit your manuscript.
- Submit an electronic file of the manuscript on our registration page
(We strongly recommend this).
In this case, pay attention on the following remarks.
- The manuscript must be prepared using LaTeX.
- If it does not contain any graphics, then you should send us both TeX file and PDF file.
- If it contains graphics, then you should send us both TeX file and graphic files which are inputted in your TeX file. And also you should send us PDF file.
- Obsolete fonts and not-common fonts should be avoided. Please use only standard fonts of LaTeX(2e) and AMS-fonts.
- Send a printed copy of the manuscript by postal mail.
We will also accept those clearly printed on A4 or letter size papers (so that they are legible when reduced to 80%) with the margin of all sides being at least 1 inch (2.5cm) and sent by postal mail to
GF2013 Secretary
Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences
University of Tokyo
Komaba, Meguro, Tokyo 153-8914 JAPAN
Although we prefer manuscripts of the LaTeX article style, any kinds of manuscripts are acceptable if it is printed on paper.
- Send an electronic file of the manuscript by e-mail.
We strongly recommend speakers to submit the manuscript on our web page as is written above. But in case you can not do that, you can send it by e-mail.
In this case, pay attention on the following remarks.
- The manuscript must be prepared using LaTeX.
- If it does not contain any graphics, then you should send us both TeX file and PDF file.
- If it contains graphics, then you should send us both TeX file and graphic files which are inputted in your TeX file. And also you should send us PDF file.
- Obsolete fonts and not-common fonts should be avoided. Please use only standard fonts of LaTeX(2e) and AMS-fonts.
- The address is:
Please note that the manuscript MUST arrive no later than
Friday, July 28, 2013
Friday, June 28, 2013.
(The deadline was once noticed as Friday, July 28, 2013 in error).
A manuscript which is submitted after the deadline might not be included in the Abstract Booklet distributed in the symposium.
Abstract List on Web
For the people who can not attend our symposium, we set up a web page of "The Abstract List". The file you submit can be registered on that web page so that anyone can download it. You can decide on the web page whether you approve that or not.
If you have any questions about abstract, please contact us by sending email to